EdTrust Comment on the Department of Education’s 2020/25 Beginning Postsecondary Students Full Scale Study
EdTrust thanks the U.S. Department of Education for the opportunity to comment on the 2020/25 Beginning Postsecondary Students (BPS:20/25) Full Scale Study.
EdTrust Comment on the Department of Education’s Proposed Rule Regarding Student Debt Relief Based on Hardship
EdTrust applauds the Department of Education for proposing two pathways for waiving some or all of the outstanding balance of a federal student loan held by the Department.
Can’t Be Erased Campaign Toolkit
At the state and local level, decision-makers across the country continue to issue book bans and look for other means to restrict students’ access to honest history and a diversity of voices.
Vibe Check: Creating & Sustaining Positive, Inviting School Environments
A webinar series showcasing how to effectively allocate resources in order to create more inclusive learning environments for students.
Teacher Preparation and House Bill 8: Unlocking Community College Funding to Support Aspiring Educators
Texas education advocates and policymakers are seeking innovative solutions to address the state’s alarming reliance on uncertified teachers.
EdTrust in Massachusetts Statement on the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) Ballot Question Outcome
Massachusetts residents voted in favor of Question 2, eliminating the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) as a graduation requirement.
We Owe It to Our Kids to Support the Houston ISD Bond Measures
Voters can improve Houston school facilities and student health and safety by voting for Propositions A and B.
EdTrust Launches Toolkit to Combat Voucher Programs Amid Heightened Education Policy Debates
EdTrust’s toolkit provides advocates with the information and tools to push back against voucher programs and ensure that traditionally underserved students have access to a high-quality public education.
Protect Public Schools: An Advocacy Toolkit to Fight School Voucher Programs
Here are resources communities can use to launch effective advocacy campaigns against school voucher programs.