How Summer Programs Can Boost Unfinished Learning
Summer school is a great opportunity for students to catch up on the learning loss caused by the pandemic.
Why Districts Should Focus on High-Impact Tutoring Interventions as ESSER Funding Ends
High-dosage or high-impact tutoring can be an effective use of ESSER pandemic relief funds for school districts. Learn why.
Higher Education Emergency Aid in Texas
An EdTrust in Texas deep dive into the pandemic funding awarded to postsecondary students and recommendations moving forward.
Lacking the Votes, House Pulls Labor-H Approps Bill
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: 202-731-9582 Statement from Augustus Mays, Vice President for Partnerships and Engagement for The Education Trust, on the Fiscal Year 2024 House Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations Bill WASHINGTON — “Ed…
A School Community That Engages Together, Stays Together
As every summer fades, the anticipation of a fresh academic year rises for educators, students, and their families across the country. In certain states in the south, the school bells…
What Advocates Should Know About the ESSER Fiscal Cliff
Did you know that the federal ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) stimulus funds for public K-12 schools are running out soon? The deadline for spending down the funds…
Running Out of Time: ESSER Spending Deadline Looms and Fiscal Cliffs Approach
CONTACT: Nicolle H. Grayson 202-293-1217 New Ed Trust brief on how school emergency relief fund investments can have long-term, positive outcomes for underserved students. WASHINGTON — Time is running out…
Joint Blog Post Regarding H.R. 1741
On March 23rd, Rep. Jamaal Bowman introduced H.R 1741, which would amend the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) to significantly scale back state summative assessment requirements. While we appreciate the…
Rethinking Layoff Policies to Protect Teacher Diversity
The “national teacher shortage” has dominated news headlines for months now, with states and districts investing resources toward ensuring that vacancies are filled. States have invested their COVID-relief funds in…