Press Release

July 13, 2023



Statement from Augustus Mays, Vice President for Partnerships and Engagement for The Education Trust, on the Fiscal Year 2024 House Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations Bill


WASHINGTON — The FY2024 House Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations Bill is outright assault on American families. Centering education as a right that is only available to those with wealth and means, it is an affront to democracy and the very foundation of American society.

“The House majority is playing political games with America’s future. Haven’t our children suffered enough? They are currently dealing with unfinished learning and mental health challenges brought on by a pandemic, divisive and disruptive cultural wars that have taken up residence in the schoolhouse, and recent Supreme Court decisions that take direct aim at the students in the greatest need of a fair shake to attend and afford college.

“But instead of getting serious about the issues our students face, the Labor-HHS-Education appropriations bill put forward by the House comes straight from the anti-equity playbook that places students of color and students from low-income backgrounds in the crosshairs of a partisan agenda.

“This unserious proposal would impose a draconian 80% cut affecting the nation’s poorest schools; fail to increase the max Pell award for the first time since 2012, while eliminating several other student aid programs (thereby reducing college access for students facing the most financial difficulties); and impose cultural war restrictions to prevent advancing racial equity and support for our nation’s most underserved communities.’

“Make no mistake about it: the proposed cuts from this ultra-conservative partisan bill effectively creates a class-based system for many students who are already seated at the intersection of race and poverty. As the nation continues to recover from the pandemic, stripping our students — especially those of color and from low-income backgrounds — of vital resources at this crucial time is the height of irresponsibility.

“We urge the House to reject these cuts and work with Senate partners and the administration to invest in our nation’s students and educators.”
