The Equity Line contains original analyses, commentary, and “on the ground” stories of students, parents, educators, and activists all over the nation striving to improve education. It chronicles our efforts, as well as those of partners and friends who are working toward the shared goal of closing gaps.

  • Fast Fact: Great Teachers Can Change Lives

    by Ed Trust

    “Great teachers and principals can help to close persistent achievement gaps, improve student attitudes about school, and build habits of mind that can change …

  • Fast Fact: Higher Math Means Greater Gains

    by Ed Trust

    High schoolers who take math beyond Algebra II make greater math achievement gains than similar students who stop there.

  • Fast Fact: Attrition v. Admission

    by Ed Trust

    At more than 200 higher education institutions nationwide, less than 10 percent of students graduate with a degree or certificate. Colleges and universities ne…

  • Fast Fact: For-Profit Colleges Need High Standards

    by Ed Trust

    Taxpayers fund 86% of revenue for the 15 big, publicly traded for-profit colleges. Gainful employment regulations are meant to ensure minimum standards of qual…

  • Fast Fact: To Learn, Students Need To Be In School

    by Ed Trust

    In 2009-10, nearly 1 out of every 3 African-American boys in high school were suspended. That’s three times the rate of their white peers. To raise achievement…

  • Fast Fact: Our Social Responsibility

    by Ed Trust

    States are preparing to implement the new Common Core State Standards, but some are transitioning better than others. William Schmidt and Nathan Burroughs of M…

  • Fast Fact: Tell Texas: Don’t Turn Back the Clock

    by Ed Trust

    Some Texas legislators want to water down high school graduation requirements, blocking the pathway to college for more kids. Don’t let them turn back the cloc…

  • Fast Fact: Parents Just Say No to Expensive Colleges

    by Ed Trust

    Students aren’t the only ones concerned with high college costs. More than two-thirds of parents say they are likely to limit their kids’ college choices based…

  • Fast Fact: Pell Under Attack… Again

    by Ed Trust

    Rep. Paul Ryan wants to freeze Pell Grant funding for 10 years. That would shrink its purchasing power to just 17 percent of college costs by 2023.

  • Fast Fact: Sequester could impact college students

    by Ed Trust

    Sequestration could shut 33,000 college students out of federal work-study programs.

  • Fast Fact: Students could lose out

    by Ed Trust

    Disadvantaged K-12 students could lose 725 million dollars in school funding unless Congress resolves the impending sequester.

  • Fast Fact: Doing Away With Debt

    by Ed Trust

    More than 100,000 academically qualified, low-income high school grads don't go to college each year, with cost as a major barrier.Read Ed Trust's "Doing Away …

  • Fast Fact: Unsustainable student debt

    by Ed Trust

    "Today, skyrocketing costs price too many young people out of a higher education, or saddle them with unsustainable debt." - President Barack Obama.To finance …

  • Fast Fact: Dream Act puts higher ed within reach

    by Ed Trust

    65,000: The annual number of undocumented high school grads who've lived in the U.S. for five or more years. Passing the DREAM Act could put higher ed within t…

  • Fast Fact: The path to success

    by Ed Trust

    Parents of color know their children's path to success runs through college. More than 9 in 10 say completing a college degree or credential is very important.

  • Fast Fact: Parents want to know

    by Ed Trust

    More than 1 in 10 high schools reported students coming onto campus with a firearm or explosive in 2007-08.  Wouldn’t you want to know if your local high schoo…

  • Fast Fact: Becoming a lever of change

    by Ed Trust

    As a principal, Von Sheppard led a lot of improvement at his school. Now, as an assistant superintendent in Boulder, Colo., his job is to help other principals…

  • Fast Fact: Senators demand student protections

    by Ed Trust

    Ed Trust thanks the eight senators who recently asked Education Sec. Arne Duncan to investigate data manipulation tricks for-profit colleges use to hide huge s…

  • Fast Fact: Exceeding counselor capacity

    by Ed Trust

    Even though our most vulnerable students need extra help pursuing college, the average high school counselor is assigned to 459 students — nearly twice the rec…

  • Fast Fact: Time is Money

    by Ed Trust

    Students starting at four-year public institutions take an average of 5.7 years to earn a bachelor's degree. A year of study at a public, four-year college in …

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