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P-12 Policy, Research & Practice

Advocating for Education Equity, From Preschool Through High School

It is the civil right of every child in America to receive a high-quality public education in our nation’s elementary and secondary schools — regardless of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic or LGBTQ+ status, disability, or language spoken at home. However, too many children in the U.S. attend schools that deny them the opportunities and resources to reach their full academic potential and prepare them for success in college and careers.

Today’s student body is more diverse and multicultural than ever — and this trend will only continue. Unfortunately, students of color and students from low-income backgrounds remain underserved and underrepresented in their classrooms. What’s more, the teacher workforce and curricula does not reflect the growing needs of students to learn in a culturally rich and academically rigorous setting. Lawmakers at the federal, state, and district level can make investments and devise policies that are equitable and promote excellence among all students, while education leaders can implement practices that create safe and engaging learning environments that meet the social, emotional, and academic needs of their students.

Ed Trust seeks to close opportunity gaps that separate students of color and students from low-income backgrounds from their White, more affluent peers. To disrupt systems of inequity and raise achievement for all students, Ed Trust works alongside policymakers, advocates, and educators to create meaningful change at the national, state, and local levels. Equipped with data and research, we work to fight injustices and build a movement that positively affects the lives of our nation’s most underserved youth.

Here Are the Top P-12 Education Issues That Ed Trust Works On

Here Are Dynamic Feeds of EdTrust P-12 Education Issues